Thursday, March 28, 2013


"The number one thing is sacrifice. If you don't sacrifice anything, you're never going to get what you want in life. You could be good at a bunch of things but literally you could only be great at one thing. So you have to sacrifice all those things. Work, school, girlfriends, boyfriends, whatever the case may be, to be what you want to be, so you'll get there."  - Dominic Sandoval

I love this. It's something one of my idols said in an interview and I agree with it 100%. If we want something that is going to be hard to get, you're going to have to sacrifice a few things, break a few rules, disappoint a few people. It's all a part of the journey and it's what makes us stronger and makes it all worth it. If you want something bad enough, go get it. Unless it's drugs. Then you probably shouldn't be doing that. But don't let others get in the way of your dream. Don't let negativity effect you negatively. That's something I live by. I don't let what others think about me effect me because it can only effect me if I let it. Stop being so worried that someone will look at you funny if you do something weird or wear something weird. Laugh at that funny look! Five years from now, you'll be wishing you would have been more open. Your High School years will only be a memory and they won't matter anymore! So go do something that you normally wouldn't, wear the things you want because hey, if it's you, then it's you! and No one can take you away from yourself! If someone doesn't approve of you, hey! Who cares? It doesn't affect you!


draw draw draw

I drew this for my friend for his birthday. Yep it's him!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

You jealous, jealous fool...

Jealousy? Do I get jealous? Yeah I get jealous! Jealousy can be a good thing if you handle it the right way. If you take jealousy in a way to make yourself feel like you have less, that's the wrong way to take it! Take it more as inspiration to better yourself! I see many dancers I am jealous of, singers, artists, people in general. Instead of feeling bad about myself, I use it as inspiration to become a better dancer, to do better things. You just need to focus less on how it's something you might not have, and instead be happy for that other person! Yeah, yeah!?

Yep, I dream.

My dreams are... interesting. One of my latest dreams, I'm not sure where I was, but where ever I was, Bruno Mars was there too. I don't know why he was in my dream, I don't really listen to him often. But I started just hanging out with him, having him sing for me, all of that fun stuff. Well I have this good friend named Ryan, or as we call him, Ryanimay, because of his anime like hair and features. If you don't believe me, look up "Ryanimay Conferido" on google images or YouTube. Well, Ryan is not what I'd call "famous," but he's very well know all around the world. So, at some point in my dream, Bruno Mars suddenly became my friend, Ryanimay. I don't know, dreams don't make sense. But we were at this thing called a "Meet and Greet" for Ryan. I just sat with him, we talked, I asked him if anyone else in Quest (a dance crew he is a part of) were going to come to the meet and greet, he said no. Then, for some reason, they were selling random foods at the meet and greet and Ryan asked me if he should buy a loaf of bread... And that's my dream. Please don't judge me. My brain is very odd.