Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Embarrassing moment???

One slight problem... I have no shame. OK, maybe a little. But by little I mean VERY little. Like you could probably suck it up through a straw. It takes A LOT to embarrass me. The worst of the worst would have to embarrass me. I'm just stalling, trying to think of something embarrassing that happened to me... OK, so this one time, before I lived here and went to this school, I was dancing down the hall with a group of friends. By dancing I mean flailing and pretty much having a controlled seizure. It took about until I got to the end of the hall that I realized my friends had turned into the library. I was embarrassed for about 2 seconds and then I remembered that I don't care what others think about me so I just turned around and went into the library!


  1. I might actually pay money to see something like that. A controlled seizure, haha. Awesome word choice. :)

  2. I also enjoyed your word choice; you gave a very clear visual.

  3. haha that was very descriptive
